Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Cooking Challenge.

Now there’s one thing you should know about me straight away… I love food. I spend most of my time when not eating, looking up new recipes and new places to eat out. Unfortunately despite my ever increasing collection of recipe books (I bought the shelves specifically for them), I realised that I never actually cook anything from them.  I just enjoy flicking through the pretty pictures of food whilst watching TV. Usually if I happen to be in for dinner I either cook myself a lone person meal (stir fry, omelette, jacket potato) or if friends are over then fail safes such as chilli, pasta bakes and thai curries come out.
So I’m setting myself a challenge. Every week I have to cook at least one new recipe from one of my recipe books…
So Ready, Steady, Cook..

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Broadgate Ice Rink

A few weeks ago I bought a spontaneous ice skating Groupon voucher. This week was the last week of the Broadgate Ice Rink so despite feeling a little delicate from a heavy weekend I dragged myself and a friend to the rink after work on Monday.

Sadly despite being convinced that within minutes I would be pirouetting with a tripple spin landing... The only landing I had was a pretty big thud when I fell over. Alex kindly decided to snap the evidence ie. the wet patch on my bum where I fell.

Alex did slightly better than me... 

2 happy skaters. 

Now that I've had my yearly ice skating I can officially say that I'm ready for winter to be over. Bring on Spring. 

Monday, 11 February 2013

Better late than never!

Well due to unpredicted lack of internet there had been a 3 month delay in full on starting the blog. To summarise I moved into my flat and have spent the last few months trying to make it as homely as possible - no easy fit when starting from scratch! To avoid banging on... here are some pictures from the last few months:

Happy Bonfire Night 

My new view! 

Ladies first night in the new pad. 

Slightly minimalist first night set up.

2 months on slightly more homely set up. 

A night of fun and games curtesy of MonkeyShoulder

Christmas Trees in Stoke Newington

My feeble attempt at festive decorations. 

My great ebay find G Plan chest of drawers - storage at last! 

Hackney Downs in the snow - very postcard pretty.

Well I am hoping to follow this up soon with a slightly more interesting post for you all. Until then Happy Monday!